Eventually, at a very advanced age, a scientist-Peter Richard Haddon-who has studied the books from the spaceship as a young man manages to translate the volumes, and begins to relate the tales. After many years, the spaceship is turned into the central attraction of an amusement park. Studies of the crew reveal them to be humanoid, but around 12 feet tall. The first strip told of a spaceship crashing into a swamp on Earth, the crew frozen to death, with many written volumes inside in an unknown language.

He had no idea where to further it but he knew where to look for a guy who did." He threw the first introductory script at me and told me to take it from there. A similar likeness could be drawn with Hericon, the chief rival in power to the Trigans, whose appearance seemed to mirror that of elements of the Byzantine Empire, and the Persian Empire.Īccording to Butterworth, "The original Impetus was from that veritable genius Leonard Matthews, then my senior group editor when I was editing Sun and Comet. The Trigans' clothing was similar to that of the Romans, with many of the populace dressed in toga-like garments, or in the case of the soldiery, in Greek or Roman-style armour. This similarity even extended to Trigan City, the capital being built on five hills, in a similar fashion to the seven hills of Rome. Chief among these was the Trigan Empire, apparently modelled on Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Heavily influenced by mythological tales, a number of the societies seemed to be based on ancient cultures that had existed in history.
#Trigan storm series
The series initially ran from 1965 to 1982, dealing with the long-past events of an empire on the distant planet of Elekton. The comic remains notable for the unique artwork by Don Lawrence which combines a painterly photo-realistic style with caricaturistic renderings that remain anatomically convincing. The stories revolved around a strong and heroic leader who defended his empire from constants threats from both outside and within. It told the story of an alien culture in which futuristic technology, such as antigravity vehicles and energy ray weapons, was blended with architecture, dress, and customs reminiscent of ancient civilizations, the most obvious being those of Ancient Greece and Rome. The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire, later called simply The Trigan Empire, is a science fiction comic series written mainly by Mike Butterworth with artwork (initially watercolours, later gouache) by Don Lawrence, among others. The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire (2020- ) The Trigan Empire (The Don Lawrence Collection) (2004-2008) (12 vols)
#Trigan storm full
From 1967 he also wrote crime novels under his full name, John Michael Butterworth, and gothic romances under the pseudonyms of Carola Salisbury and Sarah Kemp.The Look and Learn Book of the Trigan Empire (1973) The Trigan Empire began in 1965 in Ranger, and continued when Ranger was absorbed into Look and Learn where it continued to be published through to 1982. Mike Butterworth is primarily known in comic circles as the writer of The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire, but had previously written Battler Briton and Buffalo Bill strips for Comet, for Sun he wrote Max Bravo, The Happy Hussar and Billy the Kid (which was drawn by, amongst others, Don Lawrence). After leaving The Trigan Empire he worked with a Dutch publisher to create Storm, a post-apocalypse sci-fi series, which he would draw through to his retirement in 1999.
#Trigan storm tv
During this period he also worked on Fireball XL5 and The Adventures of Tarzan comic strips for TV Century 21. In 1965 he teamed with Mike Butterworth to create The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire for Ranger magazine, and continued to paint the comic through its transition into Look and Learn through to 1976. When Sun was absorbed into Lion he moved on to illustrating Olac the Gladiator, Karl the Viking and Maroc the Mighty. Don Lawrence was born in 1928, and worked for Mick Anglo on the Marvelman comic produced for Amalgamated Press, and then Billy the Kid in the comic Sun.